A byte of life from the Land of Sumos and Sushi

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Vend it this way, BOY!

In Britain, it is said that you are never more than 10 meters away from a rat. I have no way or knowing if this is true, but I can tell you that in Japan you are never more than 50 meters from a vending machine. Even in the most remote villages, you still find them, luring you in with their flashing lights and hypnotic music. Some even have loyalty cards -in fact I only need another 11 points and I will be able to get a free bottle of green tea from my local.

The vast majority of vending machines here sell drinks. Coke, ice coffee, and green tea are the most commonly found beverages, and of course there are beer vending machines too, although they are less common. There are also many cigarette machines here, and they even have cigarettes for men, and cigarettes for women - denoted by the colour of the pack. Machines selling snacks or chocolate are very rare. However, I have stumbled upon an egg vending machine.

The Japanese vending machines are high quality pieces of equipment. I have never been short changed, never lost my money, and my drink has never got stuck half way down. Amazingly, there doesn't seem to be any problem with kids buying cigarette's and alcohol from the machines. Although the machines are just sitting there on the streets, the kids seem to just happily obey the legal age limits, and don't indulge - obviously something that would never happen in blighty.

Anyway - I need to whet my whistle, so I'm off to vend it like Beckham. Mustn't forget my loyalty card now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Japanese vending machines are totally sweet. "Send them this way," I say. But did you know that they are also helping in the ongoing struggle against fire?


Wednesday, November 10, 2004 1:45:00 am

Blogger The Funky Drummer said...

That I didn't know, Interesting. Wouldn't it just be easier to sort their real address' out though?

Thursday, November 11, 2004 6:18:00 pm


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