A byte of life from the Land of Sumos and Sushi

Friday, September 30, 2005

Apologies for the lack of recent postings - my mind has been consumed by a new project that I'm working on, more about which, next time.

In Ono, the weather has become perfect. Warm, sunny days, with cool evenings made it the ideal time for a river BBQ, down at our favourite spot. A couple of weeks ago, I rounded up a posse of gaijin and Japanese, tents were pitched, food was grilled, and a fire was lit.

Beers were drunk till the early hours, and a night dip in the river was executed. Last time, in June we were eaten alive by a particularly nasty species of biting fly that drew blood, however, the cooler temperatures this time have brought on the welcome death of such vile creatures, thus we were left to drink in peace.


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