A byte of life from the Land of Sumos and Sushi

Saturday, December 18, 2004

It's Pardee time

Last weekend the ex-pat community of Fukui got together for a night of fun and frolics at Lewis' house. At least 8 nationalities were represented, if you count Scotland as a separate country. Most JETs only have a small appartment, but there are a few lucky ones that have a whole house to themselves. Lewis is one of the lucky ones. The only downside to your own personal mansion is that it get's a bit nippy come winter. A good time was had by all concerned, and even Father Christmas himself popped over from Lapland to say hello and share a beer with us. The house party had all the elements that a good house party needs; a house, a party, a glut of booze, a dancefloor in the lounge, and a chill out room in the ever popular kitchen. Thanks goes out to host Lewis for allowing us to trash his place. Same again on Christmas day?


Blogger Lewis said...

Not bloody likely mate. Christmas Day will be a "gathering". Well, I hope it will be - I only just finished cleaning up from the last party.

Monday, December 20, 2004 5:38:00 pm


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